Thursday, November 5, 2009

House Rabbits Thrive On Daily Routine

In the idea of creating a harmonizing daily routine with house rabbits, it’s very nice for bunnies to have free run of the area much of the time. We feel that when the rabbit is closed in, it should be with one of the original RabbitHouses or other shelter/playhouse along with a Rabbit Potty or other high-sided litter pan (high enough that their bottom can’t hang over the edge, or there will be drippings!) We’ve observed that if bunny is given an alternative litter or potty tray, they will choose to urinate and do most pooping in the potty. Hence the hay den inside the RabbitHouse stays relatively clean and is used mainly for lounging & eating the grass hay, which is refreshed every day or so depending on the rabbit’s consumption.
We’ve discovered that our house rabbits do best when they have their own litter box that is lined with grass hay and placed in the chosen corner or area where the bunnies prefer to pee. Rabbits are very habitual and may need help establishing a daily routine.
Check out the video on our webpage ( to see the simple daily routine that our rabbits have gotten used to.
We allow our rabbits free run of the house during the daylight hours, and so the morning begins with the potty being lifted out of their enclosure and the lining pan cleaned and refreshed with new hay. The fence is collapsed and moved to the closet. The simple throw carpets are rolled up, shaken outside & replaced, and a quick sweep done around the RabbitHouse. Meanwhile, the rabbits are as eager as a bunch of long-eared ponies to get munching on the fresh hay in their potty and start their day the HappyBunny! way!

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